Friday, July 16, 2010


My bike is shit. Actually, its beyond shit. My bike is so shit that if you had approached in a dark alley it would have nothing to give you because its already been mugged twice by a lamppost and had its brakes snipped by a gust of wind. However, it gets me from A to A.5, as opposed to B. I took up cycling again a few months ago in a wave of GET FIT motivation. Unfortunately, whenever I seem to be cycling anywhere with a purpose its usually when I have to run down to shop for smokes or required amount of cans for an all night session. Getting fit is for farts anyway. Cycling is great though, I mean it has groups of people going out and getting sweaty over the tiniest of hills together, leaving them so out of breathe that they get frustrated and spit at the old women overtaking them on their zimmerframes.

There are over a billion bicycles in the world apparently, and I'm stuck with this one. I can't complain though, I got it free when I went to the cinema once. But yeah, more importantly... CYCLING SONGS!

Aphex Twin - 4

Beeps and bursts of happy, bright energy. The kinda stuff that leaves you in a nice happy state only to be ruined by the smell of some tractor thats in front of you dropping cowshit all over the road, only to come splashing up into your face.

Panda Bear - Bros

I always reckoned that The Beatles and The Beach Boys were nice walking music. May as well choose something in somewhat relevant to our time that at the same time takes a lot from those two bands. Also, 9 minutes long? Stops you from bitching out of cycling after two minutes because you need to "change the song".

The Field - Over The Ice

For the epic, European cyclist in you. Electronic minimal music. Blah.

Not that I condone listening to super-loud music when you should be listening out for wild deer and horny farmers in super fast mega trucks, but its always nice to have a bit of music coming from somewhere. Well for me it is, instead of listening to the sounds of my free bike having a really slow stroke with each pedal...

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